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Peanut Brittle

Writer's picture: Cakes By CatrionaCakes By Catriona

Peanut brittle (For about 20 servings )

Ingredients and tools

300g of white sugar

180ml of golden syrup (Please refer photo below)

3g of salt

90ml of water

3 cans (about 600g) of salted peanut

45g of unsalted butter

8g of baking soda (Please refer photo below. Also known as Sodium Bicarbonate)

Candy thermometer

I purchased both the baking soda (~Rs30) and honey flavoured golden syrup (~Rs25) at Tangs Way at Beau-Bassin


Step 1 : In your pan (on low-medium heat), slightly roast your peanut until it becomes slightly brown and smells heavenly ...

Step 2: Transfer your roasted peanut in a bowl or on a piece of aluminium foil to cool. Set aside for use in step 7. Prepare your 23cm x 33cm pan (line with slightly greased parchment paper).

Step 3: In a large pan add your white sugar, golden syrup, salt, water and butter and allow to boil.

Step 4: Mix (wooden or silicon spoon or spatula) while on medium heat and after about 10 minutes, get your candy thermometer and wait until it reads 154 degrees Celsius ('Hard-crack stage' in candy making) while continuing to mix with your silicon or wooden spatula . As soon as your mixture reaches the hard-crack stage (154 degrees Celsius), turn off the heat and add your baking soda.

Note: Please be aware that your mixture will start to rise and foam as soon as the baking soda will be added. In this regard, please ensure that your pan is large and high enough

Step 5: When your mixture starts to rise and foam following the addition of baking soda, quickly add in your roasted peanut from step 2 and mix vigorously .

Step 6: Then again quickly transfer the mixture in your prepared pan from step 2 and allow to cool completely for about 30-40 minutes .

Note: Your brittle should be allowed to cool in a non humid area (try not to wash the dishes and leaving it nearby)

Step 7 : Once your peanut brittle is completely cool, remove it from your pan and parchment paper.

Step 8: Then using your meat hammer and a knife, break the brittle into slices of different sizes for that homely or rustic look !

Important tip: If you prefer a more regular shape brittle (square, rectangle etc...), transfer your peanut brittle mixure (from step 6) on a piece of slightly greased parchment paper (press the mixture to a thickness of your preference) and after about 15 minutes, while it is still warm, use a sharp knife to 'cut' the mixture as per your preference (you may also use a metal cookie cutter if you want a circular shape brittle for instance). This will 'mark' your brittle accordingly so that when it is totally cool, it will break at those cutting points when pressed firmly as shown below .

Step 9: Time to do some packaging !

Step 10: Using wax paper (preferably printed - I purchased mine at Monoprix Bagatelle at Rs55 ), wrap every piece of your peanut brittle. Use some washi tape ( I purchased mine on Ebay) in order to ensure that the paper remain in place as shown below .

Step 11: Voila, you are now ready to share some homemade kindness !

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